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F.Doppler - Andante and Rondo for two Flutes and Piano, Op.25 / [박태환2집:Mon Amie]

- 박태환2집 : "Mon Amie" -

[Franz Doppler  -  Andante and Rondo for two Flutes and Piano, Op.25]

1. Andante

2. Rondo(Allegretto con moto)

플루티스트 박태환 2집 앨범 ‘Mon Amie' 

- 플루트(Flute) : 김미희(Kim Mi Hee)

- 플루트(Flute) : 박태환(Park Tae Hwan)

플루티스트 박태환 2집앨범 오프라인 음반구매

[Flutist Tae-hwan Park's 2nd Album LINKS]

반디앤루니스 : http://www.bandinlunis.com/front/product/detailProduct.do?prodId=7136270

GS SHOP : http://with.gsshop.com/prd/prd.gs?prdid=6191736&ab=a&gsid=srcheshop-result&lseq=395029&kwd=2%EC%A7%91%20%EB%B0%95%ED%83%9C%ED%99%98

YES24 : http://www.yes24.com/24/goods/5515902?scode=029

옥션 : http://itempage3.auction.co.kr/DetailView.aspx?ItemNo=A568973348&keyword=%b9%da%c5%c2%c8%af%202%c1%fd&scoredtype=0

플루티스트 박태환 2집앨범 온라인 바로가기

[Flutist Tae-hwan Park's 2nd Album LINKS]

네이버 : http://music.naver.com/album/index.nhn?albumId=205331

다음 : http://music.daum.net/album/main?album_id=576599

멜론 : http://www.melon.com/album/detail.htm?albumId=2008236

엠넷 : http://www.mnet.com/album/album.asp?albumid=229036

소리바다 : http://www.soribada.com/music/album/KA0045303

벅스뮤직 : http://music.bugs.co.kr/album/296883

올레뮤직 : http://www.ollehmusic.com/#/AlbumDetail/f_Album_info.asp?album_id=80265988